New Season, New You!

We often wait until the new year to come around to make lifestyle changes. But why wait? Get a head start to those new year resolutions and take advantage of this new season. During this time of year, the usual “turn the clock back one hour” is slowing approaching and in addition to the excitement of mentally feeling like we’re sleeping one hour more, it also comes with new reasons to make exciting goals.
Morning Activities
With the time change, breaking dawn will come at an earlier time – allowing more light in the mornings to go for a morning walk with the dog or a light jog before work. Working out in the morning not only makes you feel great and ready to take on your day, but it can keep you making healthy decisions all day and can actually help give your metabolism a boost. Not to mention, getting your workout out of the way leaves you more time in the evening for family, friends, or that “you” time
Fall Festivities
Alongside with tasty fall favorites like pumpkin spice lattes or comforting squash soups, fall brings in a variety of fun outdoor activities. Heading outdoors to visit pumpkin patches, fall festivals, or even opting for apple picking to spruce up a date, these outdoor activities are likely going to make you walk a bit more than your usual. Luckily, most cities come with multiple locations – so make a list of your favorites and make it a goal to visit each one this season.
Getting to Sleep Earlier
We’ve heard many times how important sleep is, but listen up; sleep is in fact one of the most important factors in weight loss, concentration, performance, and overall health. Melatonin, which is our naturally occurring “sleep hormone”, is often triggered when darkness falls. Taking advantage of earlier sun sets this season by allowing your body to naturally follow the rhythm of the sun, you can benefit from more sleep and hopefully rise rested and refreshed.