I love you a-LATTE!

Let’s face it, those Starbucks limited edition drinks can be so tempting! The delicious blend of flavors made from their syrups, sauces, and milks can make the tastiest beverages but can definitely set us off track when trying to make healthy decisions; depending on the size, one latte can rack up over 500 calories and over 10 teaspoons of sugar! But don’t worry, we got your back. We were able to find the best combination of flavors to make the best “healthier” versions of your Starbucks faves:
Pumpkin Spice Latte
Of course, this one HAD to be on top of the list because everyone is all about their PSL this time of year. However, ordering one Grande Pumpkin Spice Latte can add about 380 calories and 50 grams of sugar to your daily intake. Making your own version of this indulgent latte can save you over 300 calories and lower your sugar intake significantly.
Hot Brewed Coffee, Grande (blend of choice)
+ 1 pump Pumpkin Sauce
+ 1-2 pump(s) Sugar Free Vanilla Syrup
Steamed Dairy-Free Milk (soy, almond, or coconut)
Top with Pumpkin Spice Topping
Salted Caramel Mocha Latte
This sweet and salt flavor combo is sure to be someone’s favorite latte at Starbucks. One regular Grande of this tasty drink will add about 360 calories and about 59 grams of sugar to your waistline. Yikes. Here’s our take on this favorite:
Hot Brewed Coffee, Grande (blend of choice)
+ 1 pump Skinny Mocha Sauce
+ 1 pump Toffee Nut Syrup
Steamed Dairy-Free Milk (soy, almond, or coconut)
Top with Salt topping and Autumn Sugar Topping
Mexican Mocha Latte
The sweet and aromatic flavor combination is a delicious take of the famous “Mexican Hot Chocolate”, so we couldn’t pass up the chance of making this one a meal plan friendly favorite. Ordering a latte similar to this one is sure to rack up about 360 calories and 35 grams of sugar in your food log! Enjoy this version of the Mexican mocha latte and stay on track with your goals:
Hot Brewed Coffee, Grande (blend of choice)
+ 1 pump Skinny Mocha Sauce
+ 1-2 pump(s) Sugar Free Cinnamon Dolce Syrup
Steamed Dairy-Free Milk (soy, almond, or coconut)
Top with Chocolate Powder and Cinnamon Powder
Matcha Latte
If you stray away from the usual coffee based drinks, this one might suit your interest. However, this one is a tricky one – Starbucks pre-makes their matcha powder to include sugar in the mix. One regular Grande version of this drink is about 240 calories and over 30 grams of sugar. We found a great way to lighten it up a bit:
Order Grande Matcha Green Tea Latte with almond milk (or dairy-free milk of choice)
Reduce to ONE scoop of Matcha Powder
+ 2 pumps Sugar Free Vanilla Syrup
Simple Latte
Keeping it simple might be the best way to go for some! Keep your base as your favorite blend of coffee, add steamed dairy-free milk, and you’re good to go!
Whether your opt for the Fall Seasonal fave Pumpkin Spice Latte or the simple latte, getting creative with the sugar free syrups and making your own tasty blends can fill the temptation of ordering those drinks that are not so friendly to your meal plan and waistline! Trust us on these lattes are G-Plans nutritionists taste approved.